Monday, January 07, 2008

Winter Wonderland

We had a wonderful time in Canada visiting family and friends. My hubby finally got to experience a white Christmas for the first time in his life. So cool.

Jolie met a lot of people and was a really good girl the whole time. She slept in many different places and never complained. I'm so greatful that I have such a good baby. She got to meet her grandpa for the first time and she just loved him. I think the feeling was mutual. :)

I'm glad to be home though. For a few reasons:
1. I'm sick of living out of a suitcase.
2. Happy to be back in my own bed.
3. Looking forward to starting our FET cycle.

I called the RE's office today and booked in for the cycle. I have bloodwork tomorrow and then I start my hormones on Wednesday. Praying that we are as lucky with this cycle as we were with the last one! Time for a little brother or sister for Jolie. :)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Best of luck on the upcoming FET!