Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Time to Wait...

Okay, I'm knocked up again. Well, at least I had another embryo transferred inside my wahzoo again yesterday. Hopefully this one will stick and keep growing. I'm not as excited about it this time as I was last time. I guess it's because it didn't work last time and I'm not the perfect pregnant woman afterall. I just assumed after I got pregnant with Jolie that my problem wasn't staying pregnant, it was falling pregnant. So, I figured that with the last FET, I was going to stay pregnant again. Afterall, what more is there to do at that point? The embryo is already fertilised and growing...all it has to do is keep growing and stick! So, why didn't it work last time? Well, I have a theory but I'm sure I'm nuts. It's not like I'm a doctor or anything, so I have no clue, but this is what I think...

Before the last transfer, I did a detox diet. I wanted to cleanse my system and start fresh with a beautiful diet before having the transfer done. Well, I don't think I timed it right, cuz when I went into the transfer I was only off of the detox for a day. My diet before that consisted of only this yucky lemon drink that I gagged down for 8 days until I couldn't stand it anymore. It did wonders for getting rid of my phlegm and I felt great afterwards. No stomach pains...lost some weight. All great. BUT...(this is my theory)...

I think that all the citrus caused my uterus to become this acidic environment which probably killed the embryo as soon as it was transferred. I have visions of the poor little bugger sizzling and disappearing into a puff of smoke. Like I said, I'm sure I'm nuts, but these are the types of things that go through my mind.

ANYWHO!...I have since been on a beautiful diet of fruits, veggies, meats, crap, sugar, chocolate, chips, name it. So, I'm sure this little one is snuggling right up and licking the sides of my uterus cuz it's so sweet tasting...LOL

Not only have I made sure I had a fabulous diet this time...I also made sure to take the nurses advice that we received the first time and have "relations" with my husband after the transfer. We did that with Jolie and I think it really helped to block my cervix and help her stick...LMAO. My husband didn't complain cuz he knew it may be his last chance to get "the good stuff" with me if I fall pregnant.

Why would it be the last chance you ask? Well, I'll tell ya...I have another theory...LOL This one dates back to when I had Jolie. She came six weeks early and the doctor couldn't give me a reason why. This is what I think happened...I had an orgasm whilst having sex a few times during my pregnancy. After each time and couple of days later, I would have brown spotting. They checked me each time and couldn't explain why, but said it was probably nothing. Well, the last time it happened it was two days before my water broke. Now, I don't know if you have ever had an orgasm whilst pregnant before, but for me my uterus contracts and becomes very hard and round. I didn't tell the doctor this of course, but in retrospect I probably should have. She did tell me that there seemed to be some irritation inbetween the uterus and the placenta. Well, if you put two and two together, wouldn't that equal irritation?

Anyway, I told my husband about my theory awhile ago. He said I was nuts of course, but I still told him I'm an not having an orgasm whilst I am pregnant next time and I am not allowing him to do his business up my wahzoo either...We'll have to stock up on condoms if he wants any action. Needless to say he wasn't too please with this prospect, but I'm putting my foot down on this one.

Back to the reason why I originally started to post...LOL Here is a picture of the embryo that they transferred back yesterday. It was a beautiful 7 celled embryo. They only had to thaw one this time and none of the cells had died like last time.'s time to wait...

(My scanner isn't working, so I had to take a picture of the picture, which is pretty crappy, but you get the idea.)


"Kreative Karma" said...

You ARE crazy!

Jade said...

Yeah, I know...LOL

daniela said...

You make me smile! I really hope the little guy sticks!! x