Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! It's princess Jolie's first Halloween this year. I think she had fun. Well, I don't know if she even knew what was going on, but she looked cute! I had a baby halloween party. It was so cute seeing all the babies dressed up in costumes. We had a Tigger, a sailor, an army guy, another fairy, shrek, a pirate...It was way too cute. I took a few snapshots to share. They aren't full on studio shots, so the quality isn't great, but....sometimes you just need to take candid snaps instead, know what I mean? She was a fairy princess this year. Predictable, I know, but cute non-the-less! This is my first attempt at digital scrapbooking too. I think I might just get into this. It's a lot less painful than paper scrapbooking, that's for sure! A lot cheaper too. Anyway, enjoy!

1 comment:

"Kreative Karma" said...

I love the new look of your blog! So cute!